Ojai Quarry
- Goal: Reduce polluted storm water runoff, ensuring clean water and protecting endangered steelhead in the Ventura River watershed
- Year Started: 2012
- Clients: Santa Barbara Channelkeeper, Environmental Defense Center

Protecting our local waters from polluted storm water run-off is a priority of EDC, and for years we tried to work with the owners of the Mosler Ojai Quarry to clean-up the facility’s management practices. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until 2014 when EDC and Santa Barbara Channelkeeper filed a lawsuit challenging the Quarry’s violations of the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act before the owners decided to make the required changes. The rock operation was threatening water quality, as well as the ability of steelhead to migrate upstream as a necessary part of their life cycle. The Quarry is located on the Lower North Fork of the Matilija Creek, a major tributary of the Ventura River designated as critical habitat for the endangered California southern steelhead trout, and is one of the primary sources of drinking water for Ventura residents.
In the summer of 2014, EDC and Channelkeeper reached a settlement agreement with the owners of the Quarry, requiring improvements to better manage storm water, reduce erosion and runoff, suspend mining during rain, and conduct annual inspections of the Creek to ensure no blockages from rock fall impact steelhead migration. The Quarry owners will also donate $60,000 of rock product to South Coast Habitat Restoration for upcoming steelhead passage projects being constructed at Maria Ygnacio, Tajiguas, and Carpinteria Creeks